Cycling Etiquette in Denmark

On 5th of May in 1849, King Frederik signed the Denmark Constitution, which marked the start of a constitutional monarchy, so today Denmark celebrates its Constitutional Day, and if the beginning of summer treats them gently, Danish people spend today outdoors enjoying open-faced smorrebrod sandwiches on rye bread paired with Hyldeblomstsaft.
But there is one activity what they do thoughout the year for sure: cycling! Did you know that Danish people have been dedicated cyclists since centuries ago? This is the so called Danish way of expressing equality between all social classes, and Copenhagen prides itself on being one of the most bicycle-friendly cities in the world. Thanks to Simply Danish Living I know that more than 45% of all people use the bicycle as their main means of transportation.In the Danish business culture many workplaces have a changing room set aside for bikers and it is very common to see top level business professionals in suits biking to/from work.
So let's briefly explore the Danish cycling etiquette for a safer and more enjoyable ride while in Denmark.
- Use hand signals! Left hand up- you are stopping, Hand out to the right - you are turning right, hand to the left means you are turning left. Simple.
- If you are going fast, stay outside, going slow, stay inside, and please always be aware of others, always look over your shoulder before you pull out.
- Do not listen your music too loud, because you cannot hear what's going on around you (ambulance, buses, cyclists etc).
- Do not use your phone, no calls no text messages, unless you can manage it handsfree. In Denmark you can easily get a fine for using your phone while biking.
- In the darker months, you have to be even more visible, so be sure you have your lights on, and reflectors.
- Please, don't cycle with your buddy side-by-side - it's annoying.
For your and others' safety, please always follow the signs and obeyt he rules. Imagine, stat shows that three of the busiest bike streets in Copenhagen boast on average 40,700, 36,000, and 30,200 cyclists per day.
Happy Wednesday!